Support for Research and Development
Support for Research and Development
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Policy Development and Advocacy
Policy Development and Advocacy


PCIEERD Logo.png

pcieerd logo


The logo of the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) was designed with the key elements of the DOST logo as basic pattern.

The four circles of the DOST logo represent the four guiding principles in our S&T Development: Excellence, Relevance, Cooperation and Cost-effectiveness. The three-color scheme represents the unknown (black), truth and enlightenment (white) and progress (cyan).

The symbolic icons for industry (mechanical gear), energy (flame), emerging technology (circuit board) and science (flask) were placed in the white space at the center. The design depicts PCIEERD's mandate on strengthening and utilizing research and development in industry, energy and emerging technology for the country's sustainable socio-economic development.

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