Opportunity status:   Open
Funders:  CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PCIEERD HEIRIT (Higher Education Institution Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship) TBIs (FOR 2024 - 2026 FUNDING)
Funding type:   Grant
Funding Agency:  DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology (DOST-PCIEERD)
Opening date:   March 13,2024  (8:00 A.M.)
Cosing date:   March 19, 2024 (5:00 P.M.)
Evaluation Period:

March 20 - April 15, 2024 (17 Working Days)

Start of Projects:

June 2024

Submi through: DOST Project Management Information System (DPMIS):
PDF Copy Call Guidelines
For e-Copy of Priority Areas, please refer to the link below


According to the article “Issues and Challenges of Technology Business Incubators in the Philippines” published in the International Journal of Emerging Trends and Engineering Research, the creation of various technology centers such as innovation center, incubation center, fabrication laboratory and science technology park is perceived to have a crucial role in the creation of jobs and social and economic empowerment. Technology business incubation (TBI) is the current trend in capacitating the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-up companies. (Esponilla, 2019).

A TBI provides focused support to entrepreneurs through a supportive environment that helps them establish their business ideas, develop their concepts into market ready products, supports the acquisition of business knowledge, facilitates the raising of necessary finance, introduces the entrepreneurs to business networks, all of which should substantially reduce the level of failure. TBIs have attracted significant support from governments throughout the world and in a wide variety of developmental contexts (Global Practice in Incubation Policy Development and Implementation/Infodev, 2010).

The DOST has been supporting the establishment of university based TBIs to promote technopreneurship, especially in the regions. The DOST-PCIEERD has already supported thirty-two (32) TBIs across the country, each supports ten to fifteen incubatees or startup companies per year. However, there are still several regions that lacks an incubation facility and these region’s HEIs and SUCs need assistance in building their capability in establishing and running an incubator. Most of these regions have several startups and startup-related activities but has the potential to increase entrepreneurial activities given an environment where startups, mentors and advisers and industry partners converge. Additionally, universities in regions where a TBI is lacking, do not have enough trained personnel to operate and manage an incubator.

The Council’s Higher Education Institution Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship (HEIRIT) Program is a structured program that is intended to prepare select universities committed to establish a technology business incubator in their university to cater to the needs of the students, faculty members, and SMEs in terms of guidance in entrepreneurship and establishing their startups.

In partnership with the UP UPGRADE TBI, the HEIRIT Prep Program was already being implemented to all 27 HEIs/SUCs across the country. This program is needed to guide and equip the personnel of each HEIs and SUCs to plan, execute, build, and help catalyze the emerging startup community in their region. 17 out of the 27 HEIs/SUCs were already provided a funding support under the Council.


The Full-Blown Proposal should fall as a non-research and development project. This call is for qualified HEIs and SUCs that undergone the HEIRIT Track 1 training (10 HEIs and SUCs) provided by the UP UPGRADE TBI.

The Council shall provide funding support to the proponent for two (2) years.

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