1. What do you do and what are your areas of expertise? 

am designing an equipment to combat COVID-19 while the virus is in the air using UVC technology and I’m writing a book in Finite Element Technology with the use of MSC Software. My areas of expertise are Computational Fluid Dynamics using MSC Software and Finite Element Technology and Software development.

2. How did you know that you want to pursue studies in this/these field/s? 

While studying mathematics, I realized that engineering applications are spatial case in mathematical formulation and using mathematical knowledge, we could understand the physical phenomena of engineering itself. I want to simplify and clarify engineering approach through the beauty of mathematics for younger generations to understand it and appreciate it.

3. Most exciting part of your work? 

The response and interest of young engineers excite me most when I have shown them the real phenomena by giving examples in my lectures.

4. Outside work, what do you enjoy doing? 

I enjoy reading Theology, Philosophy, and Correlation of Physical Science and Spiritual Science which converts to infinity environment.

5. Advice to Filipinos who want to be scientists someday. 

My advice is that they should have passion and perseverance. Most of all, they must rely on their ability rather than the opinion of other people.

6. What’s next for you?  

To keep mentoring students and professionals until Finite Element Technology will become a basic course in all engineering curriculum which is already adapted by advanced western countries.


Dr. Vicente DyReyes has shared his expertise with the Feati University as the Director of Finite Element Technology

The Balik Scientist Program (BSP) is the brain gain initiative of the government which aims to invite foreign-based Filipino scientists, engineers and experts to return to the country to return and work and actively participate in the country's efforts to strengthen the S&T capabilities of local researchers in the academe, public and private sectors, and industry, as well as to accelerate the flow of new strategic technologies that are vital to national development. 

From 2013 to 2019, DOST-PCIEERD has approved 96 BSP engagements. This year, DOST-PCIEERD is expected to award a total of 41 Balik Scientists.

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