


Executive Summary 

Historically, consequences caused by crises, calamities, disasters result in continuous shortages of supplies and create a chain reaction that stirs panic, hoarding of essential goods and raising of commodity prices. These crises have tested, time again, the capabilities, response and resilience of our supply chain in combating the disorder and obstacles that can disrupt its logistical operations. 

To minimize the effects of unfortunate events on the supply of essential commodities to all citizens, a dashboard shall be developed presenting reports and analytics based from aggregated data from retail inventory data, archived data, and crowdsourced data. These reports hope to supplement and justify proposals for policy making. 

Stakeholders for this project are aimed for Department of Trade and Industry and possibly, the Department of Agriculture. However, local government units can also benefit to receiving this information. 


The Problem 

Entering the year 2020, two most recent and impacting events in our nation is the eruption of the Taal Volcano and the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. These crises have tested, time again, the capabilities, response and resilience of our supply chain in combating the disorder and obstacles that can disrupt its logistical operations.  

The consequences caused by these crises result in continuous shortages of supplies and create a chain reaction that stirs panic, hoarding of essential goods and raising of commodities’ prices. 

To ensure economic viability and minimize disruption of daily life, the government saw it necessary that focus be aimed on the continued production, movement, and consumption of goods. 


The Solution 

A system must be devised to address, or atleast complement, gaps in nation’s supply chain which will not only unburden public authorities and retail service providers but ultimately the health and safety of consumers. 

Therefore, a decision support system shall be developed presenting regional and national level reports and analytics to supplement and justify proposals for policies to minimize the unfortunate effects of disasters, calamities and crises on the supply of essential commodities to all citizens. 


Competitive Advantage 

The project aims to aggregate available inventory data from retailers and be able to provide government agencies enough information to not only react but proact to impending disorder or disruption. 

The project aims to monitor appreciation of prices per area. This serves as proxy information at which shortages and hoarding are taking place. 

The project aims to survey information from consumers who would like to inform other fellow consumers and the policymakers of current shelf status and price status of a store they’ve visited. Their input can also validate if inventory reports submitted by retailers are consistent with market value. 


Target Market 

Main target stakeholders are the Department of Trade and Industry and possibly, the Department of Agriculture as they monitor supermarket goods 

However, local government units can also benefit to receiving these information as they can prioritize the dissemination of relief goods if such activity is in place. 

Currently, the team is coordinating with the Consumer Protection Group of the Department of Trade and Industry under Usec. Ruth Castello. 

